Removal Guide - Step 4

A fornight before the move

As moving day approaches, it's important to update your contact details with companies, services, and organisations. Ensuring your information is up to date will help you avoid disruptions and stay connected with essential services during and after your move.

Updating contact details

When moving, you will need to ensure all your contact details are updated with companies and organisations, as well as with your friends and family. It is important that you miss as few of your contacts as possible to make sure that you do not lose touch or find you cannot receive your services any longer.

Notifying key businesses

When updating your contact details, there are various different businesses you need to consider. Firstly, you need to notify your insurers for your car and property that you are moving and provide your new details. Also, if you have pets, make sure to notify your vet of your change of address. If you are using a different vet, make sure to ask your current vet to transfer your pet’s medical files to your new veterinary clinic.

Updating home services

You will also need to consider the services you receive inside your own home. This includes the companies you use for your landline, internet, utilities, and TV (if you use a cable or satellite service). As well as these services, you need to consider other businesses, including your bank, credit and store card companies, mobile phone provider (if on contract), and subscription companies (such as for magazines). To ensure you do not miss anything, make sure to ask The Royal Mail to redirect your mail.

Notifying organisations

When updating your details, you also need to update information with organisations, including those who provide your TV licensing, council tax, medical services (local doctor’s surgery, dentist, and optician), your child’s school (for parents or guardians), driving licences (DVLA must have your updated details), and you will need to register again to be on the electoral roll so you can vote in elections.

With your contact details updated, it's time to focus on the final preparations. In the next step, we’ll guide you through the important tasks to complete during the week leading up to your move.

A week before the move

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